Check Presentation – Goodwill Industries of Central IL

Check presented to Donna Pritchard, Executive Assistant for Goodwill Industries of Central IL

Committee members presenting the check are Adam Angst, Jeff Kolbus, Jerry Jackson, and Jodi Lindsay

The grant will be used at the General Wayne A. Downing Home for Veterans (Vet Home). It is a 15-bed facility for male veterans who have been either homeless or in danger of becoming homeless. It is staffed 24/7/365 and offers case management, counseling, job preparation, and referrals to local agencies for other services.


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Honoring Our Armed Forces

We honor, respect, remember and support all those who have served in our Armed Forces for this great nation. Our event encompasses two golf courses, hundreds of volunteers and a very grateful group of sponsors and donors. We provide golf in the morning for veterans from all over the state and who have served in several wars.

The money we raise supports local causes as well as national causes; Nationally- Hope for the Warriors, Military Order of the Purple Heart, Paws for the Purple Hearts and Operation Give a Hug Locally- Bob Michel VA Clinic, ICC Educational Foundation The Gen Wayne Downing Scholarship, IL Military Family relief Fund and The Vet Foundation of IL.

The golf event is the culmination of efforts throughout the year by committed volunteers giving back to the veterans who do so much for us.